
A python client for retrieving data from an EPICS Channel Archiver.

To get started just import the Archiver class and specify the address of your Channel Archiver server:

>>> from channelarchiver import Archiver
>>> url = 'http://cr01arc01/cgi-bin/ArchiveDataServer.cgi'
>>> archiver = Archiver(url)

You then fetch data with the archiver.get() method:

>>> data = archiver.get('CHAN:MON', '2013-08-11', '2013-08-12')
>>> print(data)
               time        value     status      severity
2013-08-11 00:00:02   96.9351518   NO_ALARM      NO_ALARM
2013-08-11 00:04:20   94.5171233   NO_ALARM      NO_ALARM
2013-08-11 00:08:38   85.0604361  LOW_ALARM         MINOR
>>> data.values
[96.935, 94.517, ..., 97.253]

User Guide

Indices and tables